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How to Create a Social Media Persona for Your Brand

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Do you know that 90% of consumers would buy products from your business if it advocates a cause they care about?

This is because people love and take pride in associating with brands that act in a more human and personal way. People care a lot more about your brand’s qualities and the values you stand for – a reason why brands that demonstrate loyalty, honesty, commitment, reliability, and longevity stand a better chance of succeeding in today’s world.

So, how can you establish this kind of relationship and engagement with your online community?

It all starts by having a great social media persona. Your social media persona is a combination of qualities and characteristics that give your brand a distinct personality.

It sets your brand apart from others in terms of social character, voice, tone, and approach. This is extremely useful because your persona guides your social media strategy, the kind of content you post, and how your brand engages with the target audience.

In this article, you will learn how to build a strong and authentic social media persona for your brand in a few steps.

Perform thorough audience research

An excellent starting point when creating your social media persona is doing some preliminary research on your target audience. Create a profile of your ideal customer by figuring out as much information about them.

The goal here is to create a brand persona that appeals to every segment of your audience while being in line with your business niche. So, the more specific you get about their hypothetical characteristics and interests, the easier it will be to understand them and craft the perfect persona.

Craft a unique social voice for your brand

At this point, you have all the information needed to develop the perfect social media persona for your brand. You now need to choose a voice that your brand will use every time you write, post, talk, respond, and connect with your audience.

An ideal brand voice should reflect your brand culture and appeal to the target audience.

The key when choosing a voice and tone for your social posts is understanding the kind of image you want to portray. How do you want the target audience to perceive your brand? Answering this question should inspire you to adopt a unique brand voice and apply it across all conversations and interactions on social media.

A good example is Nike. If you look at their Instagram or Twitter feed, you will realize how every post stays true to their iconic slogan “Just do it!”

Update your social profiles to reflect your brand attributes

An essential part of building and sustaining an authentic persona on social media is having a professional profile. This means providing accurate brand information in the “bio” or about us” section. Your branding information, starting with visual elements such as the logo, cover photo, and profile picture, should be consistent across all social platforms.

Another important thing to remember when updating your profile is the brand statement. A strong brand statement should highlight the values your brand stands for, the vision it embodies, and the mission you’re looking to accomplish. Developing such a brand statement will manifest your capabilities while demonstrating how you can satisfy the interests of your audience.

Through efficient branding, the people you’re trying to reach can easily get acquainted with your brand identity. Take a look below, at how we maintain a consistent outlook across all social platforms.

Tweak your social media content strategy

Creating and posting high-quality content is essential when branding yourself and engaging your audience on social media.

As every social platform has certain unique functionalities and characteristics, you cannot apply a one-size-fits-all strategy.

Your content strategy also dictates the posting regimen you adopt. For instance, you can consider the following ideal frequencies when posting on different platforms:

  • Facebook – One post per day of updates per day
  • LinkedIn – Three to five posts every week
  • Twitter – Five to ten posts every day
  • Instagram – One to two posts everyday
  • Pinterest – Ten pins per day

Having a well-documented social media content strategy helps you to balance value-adding content with a few promotional posts. It also ensures your social media team stays on course without over posting or under posting for the best results.

Maintain a consistent brand image, voice, and tone 

The last but arguably most important tip is maintaining consistency across every platform you use. You should stick to the persona you created in every platform you use.

Otherwise, when customers discover that your business description or brand image differs across social networks, they’re more likely to perceive your business as two different entities, which reduces their willingness to engage.

An easy way of maintaining consistency is to develop a comprehensive voice and tone guide for your brand which includes your blog, company website, email newsletters, and other touchpoints.

When shared with your team, the branding guidelines help every team member adopt a common voice in their social media posts and responses.


Social media platforms provide a powerful way of building a unique brand identity and establishing authority in your industry.

In today’s competitive world, thousands of global brands are capitalizing on social media to reach their business goals. When you let your brand’s personality shine across social circles and communities, it becomes easier to unlock the unlimited benefits of social media for your organization.

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