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10 Digital Skills Every Marketing Team in Hospitality Must Have in 2023 & Beyond

In today’s ultra-competitive hospitality industry, businesses must have the right digital marketing skills to stay competitive. With the rapid changes in digital technologies, it has become much more important for businesses in the hospitality industry to be agile and future-focused in their approach to marketing strategy. As digital marketing trends evolve, companies must arm their marketing teams with the right digital skills to remain competitive in the future years.


10 Reasons of Developing a Strong Marketing Strategy

You might wonder why you need a marketing strategy if you’re a business owner. After all, you have a great product or service, and your customers love you. What more do you need?


Influencer Marketing: A Key Strategy for Business Growth in 2023 and Beyond

Influencer marketing is a method in which a brand or individual acts as an expert on a subject and engages their audienc...


Effective Email Marketing Strategies

Do you know that 99% of people open their emails every day? This fact cannot be stated of any other form of communicatio...

Marketing Social Media

How to Define Your Social Media Buyer (Audience) Persona

Defining a buyer persona—also called a customer persona, audience persona, or marketing persona—helps you target your ideal customer.