
Online advertising

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
Artificial Intelligence

AI: The Engine Driving Digital Marketing Revolution

With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, companies are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to...


How to Find and Land Your Dream Online Marketing Gig in 2024

Online marketing is a booming industry that offers a lot of opportunities for creative and skilled professionals. Whether you want to work as a social media manager, content writer, SEO specialist, email marketer, or web designer, there’s a freelance gig out there for you.

Artificial Intelligence

A-to-Z of AI Marketing Hacks for Digital Marketers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of digital marketing in many ways. AI can help marketers optimize their campaigns, personalize their content, generate new leads, and improve their conversions.

Artificial Intelligence

The State of AI Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world of marketing. From automating repetitive tasks to providing previously unavailable insights, AI is helping marketers to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently.


Is There a Digital Marketing Skills Gap in Kenya?

Kenya is a country with a rapidly growing digital economy. In 2022, the internet penetration rate was 84%, and the country is home to many businesses that rely on digital marketing to reach their customers. However, there is a significant digital marketing skills gap.


10 Digital Skills Every Marketing Team in Hospitality Must Have in 2023 & Beyond

In today’s ultra-competitive hospitality industry, businesses must have the right digital marketing skills to stay competitive. With the rapid changes in digital technologies, it has become much more important for businesses in the hospitality industry to be agile and future-focused in their approach to marketing strategy. As digital marketing trends evolve, companies must arm their marketing teams with the right digital skills to remain competitive in the future years.

Social Media

Facebook Marketing 101: Measuring & Optimizing Your Online Ads

If you’re like me, you love Facebook. You love scrolling through your news feed, liking and commenting on your friends’ posts, and watching cute cat videos. But did you know that Facebook can also help you grow your business? That’s right; Facebook is a social network and a powerful advertising platform that can help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and increase sales.

Social Media

How to Use the Facebook Reporting Tool to Improve Your Online Advertising Strategy

Facebook is one of the most popular and powerful platforms for online advertising. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a huge potential audience for your business. But how do you know if your ads reach the right people, deliver the right message, and achieve the right results?

Social Media

The Power of People-Based Measurement for Online Advertising on Facebook

Online advertising is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and growing your business. But how do you know if your ads are effective? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns on your bottom line?

Social Media

Facebook’s People-Based Measurement Tools for Online Advertising

Online advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers and grow your business. But how do you know if your ads effectively reach the right people? How do you measure the impact of your campaigns across different devices and platforms?