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Online Advertising 101: How Facebook Helps You Reach and Understand Your Audience

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If you are looking for a way to grow your business online, you might have heard of Facebook as a powerful tool for advertising. But how exactly does Facebook help you reach and understand your audience? And how can you use it effectively to achieve your marketing goals?

In this blog post, I will share some of the basics of online advertising with Facebook and how you can leverage its features and benefits to create successful campaigns.

What is online advertising?

Online advertising is a form of marketing that uses the internet to deliver messages to potential customers. Online advertising can take many forms, such as banner ads, video ads, search ads, social media ads, and email ads. Online advertising can help you:

  • Increase brand awareness and recognition
  • Generate leads and sales
  • Drive traffic to your website or app
  • Engage and retain your customers
  • Measure and optimize your performance

Why use Facebook for online advertising?

Facebook is one of the most popular and widely used social media platforms globally, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of December 2020. This means that Facebook has a huge and diverse audience you can reach with your ads. But more than that, Facebook also offers you:

  • Advanced targeting options: You can target your ads based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, behaviors, location, connections, etc. You can also create custom audiences from your existing customers or website visitors or lookalike audiences from people similar to your best customers.
  • Multiple ad formats: You can choose from different types of ads to suit your objectives and creative preferences, such as image ads, video ads, carousel ads, collection ads, instant experience ads, stories ads, messenger ads, audience network ads, and more.
  • Flexible budget and bidding: You can set your budget and schedule for your campaigns, and choose how you want to pay for your ads, such as cost per impression (CPM), cost per click (CPC), cost per action (CPA), or cost per thousand people reached (CPM). You can also use automatic or manual bidding strategies to optimize your ad delivery and results.
  • Detailed analytics and insights: You can track and measure your ad performance using various metrics and tools, such as impressions, reach, frequency, clicks, conversions, cost per result, return on ad spend (ROAS), relevance score, and more. You can also use Facebook Pixel, a code snippet you install on your website or app, to track the actions people take after seeing your ads.
  • Creative tools and resources: You can use Facebook’s built-in tools and features to create and edit your ad images and videos, such as the Ads Manager app, the Creative Hub, the Video Creation Kit, the Mobile Studio, and more. You can also access Facebook’s best practices and guides to help you design effective and engaging ads.

How to get started with online advertising on Facebook?

To start advertising on Facebook, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a Facebook Business Page: This is where you showcase your business and connect with your customers on Facebook. You need a Business Page to run ads on Facebook.
  • Create a Facebook Business Manager account: This is where you manage your ad accounts, pages, pixels, catalogs, audiences, and more. You need a Business Manager account to access all the features and tools Facebook offers for advertisers.
  • Create an ad account: This is where you create and run your ad campaigns. You can have multiple ad accounts under one Business Manager account.
  • Create a campaign: This is where you choose your marketing objective (such as awareness, consideration, or conversion), name your campaign, set your budget and schedule, and choose your optimization and delivery options.
  • Create an ad set: This is where you define your target audience (such as age range or interests), choose your placements (such as news feed or stories), set your bid strategy (such as lowest cost or target cost), and select your attribution window (such as 1-day click or 7-day view).
  • Create an ad: This is where you choose your ad format (such as image or video), upload or create your ad creative (such as headline or text), add a call to action button (such as shop now or learn more), enter your website or app URL (where you want people to go after clicking on your ad), preview your ad across different devices (such as desktop or mobile), and confirm your ad.

Once you create your campaign, ad set, and ad, you can submit them for review. Facebook will review your ads within 24 hours to make sure they comply with its advertising policies. If approved, your ads will start running according to your settings.

How to optimize and improve your online advertising on Facebook?

To optimize and improve your online advertising on Facebook, you need to monitor and analyze your ad performance regularly using the following steps:

  • Review your campaign results: You can use the Ads Manager dashboard to see how your campaigns are performing based on various metrics (such as impressions or conversions) over time (such as today or last 30 days). You can also compare different campaigns or ad sets using the breakdown feature (such as by delivery or action).
  • Identify what works and what doesn’t: You can use the reports feature to create custom reports that show you the data that matters most to you (such as ROAS or cost per lead). You can also use the insights feature to discover trends and patterns in your data (such as which audience segments or creative elements are driving the best results).
  • Test and experiment: You can use the split testing feature to test different versions of your campaigns or ad sets against each other (such as different audiences or bids) to see which one performs better. You can also use the dynamic creative feature to test different combinations of your ad elements (such as images or headlines) to see which one generates the most engagement.
  • Learn and apply: Based on the results of your analysis, you can make changes to improve your campaigns or ad sets (such as adjusting your budget or targeting) or create new ones based on what works best for you. You can also use the recommendations feature to get suggestions from Facebook on how to optimize your campaigns or ad sets (such as adding new audiences or increasing your bid).


Online advertising with Facebook is a powerful way to reach and understand your audience and grow your business online. By following the steps above, you can create successful campaigns that achieve your marketing goals.

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